
Showing posts from August 17, 2018

Day 26

An easy 27 miles took us through Malibu (lots of surfers – and a range of different waves from barrelling tubes to mellow longboard waves) where some of the properties looked both extremely expensive and very precarious right in the seeding, some supported by poles embedded in the sand. We cruised along the Santa Monica cycle way which was pretty empty at 9.39am  before stopping for a bite to eat on Santa Monica pier We had arranged to stay with a warm showers host (Ken) in Long Beach. Ken had offered to take us kayaking in Ling Beach harbour so we got a shift on weaving our way through the now busy cycle lanes of Venice beach. We arrived outside Ken’s workplace (as arranged) and he led the way back to his house. Ken is on the board of warm showers and he and his partner (Kenny) made us extremely welcome and not only took us kayaking around the beautiful harbour but also cooked a scrumptious BBQ and even did our washing! Yet again I am in awe of how strangers have...

Day 25

A relaxing 50 miles on the flat. We followed the 101 on a cycle path which ran alongside but separate to the road. Overall, we’ve come across many cycle lanes that have been really good and well planned – when they are it makes so much difference rather than the “add on afterthought for 30metres” that we tend to get in the UK. This was the first day we have seen several surfers out in the water – many of them in board shorts rather than wetsuits. Ventura was clearly a great spot for longboards with dozens of people in the line up. Instead of going surfing ourselves we continued on and made it to a diner and took shelter from the heat (yes it was hot enough for us to seek air conditioning) for breakfast. Arriving at Leo Corrilio really hit the spot. After a swim in the sea which was the perfect temperature to be refreshing yet very comfortable, we ended up sitting in the beach eating fresh strawberries watching the surfers. The state park was the first that we have found t...