Day 16
£460 raised for Julia’s House so far. Thank you to all who have sponsored me - I am sure this money will help to make a massive difference to the short lives of those children and their families at Julia’s House. 60 miles - A perfect day! After a hard couple of days we thought we’d take it a bit easier today. Set off as usual at about 8am – it was freezing cold. Probably the coldest night so far, but as we got going the sun came out. We found our way to glass beach – famous for having glass that has been smoothed by the sea over the years. Unfortunately the tide was in – so we didn’t see the sea glass but the views were splendid nonetheless. Then came out treat for doing so well yesterday – we stopped at McDonald’s (after only 8 miles!) for one of their breakfast meals (empty calories but once in a while…). We are now following route 1. Unlike the 101 it isn’t a highway (like a trunk road in the UK) rather like a larger B road in the UK. The upside is there is not a huge ...