What's it all about?
This year I turned 50. With all landmark birthdays comes the sense of time slipping by. I'm not one for the grass to grow beneath my feet anyway, but I decided to take the opportunity to do something big. I've always loved cycling and especially cycle touring. In 2012 I helped lead a school trip - cycling 1,000 miles from Lands End to John O'Groats. In 2014 a few friends and I cycled from Dorset to West Wales and then in 2015 we cycled from La Manche to Le Med (the length of France). My other passion is surfing. Having surfed in Australia, the Canaries, Morocco and the West Country, surfing on the US West coast has always been an ambition. Cycling the almost 2,000 miles of the US west coast was an easy choice! I am very lucky to have a couple of friends (of a similar vintage) – both called Simon who are also up for a challenge and adventure. I am hoping to raise money for Julia’s House – a children’s hospice which supplies...